Best Maine Artist

Best Maine Artist
Best Maine Photographer
Best Maine Poet
Best Maine Author

Friday, July 27, 2012

Maine Artist: Greg Mort


Anchor Stone

When Stars Align

The Tranquil

As a young man, Greg Mort arrived in Maine the summer of 1977 and was so 
struck by the beauty of the star filled night sky and rugged coast he 
promised he would always return and someday make his home here.  For over 
thirty-three years he has returned each summer and built his home and studio 
in Port Clyde, Maine where his hosts his annual Open Studio the first 
weekend in August each year. With the Smithsonian, Farnsworth, Portland and 
many other fine museums acquiring his works of art Mort's career grew and 
his love of Maine continued to express itself in many of his paintings.  An 
astronomer as well as artist many of Mort's iconic images of the Maine 
evening sky evoke the passion and fascination that draw so many visitors to 
Maine from all over the world.

Mort works entirely from life hiking with his brushes and paints along the 
shore and out to nearby coastal islands.  His work features a wide variety 
focusing on both the infinite and infinitesimal finding beauty in the minute 
sands covering the shores and the vast stars above.

Use of this information and or images contained within this communication without
permission of the artist Greg Mort is forbidden. 

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